For some deluded reason I thought by this time in my life as a mum and wife and author, I would have a better handle on the day to day stuff. I was so wrong… (If you feel a semi-rant coming on, you would be nearly right but I'll to keep it clean.) Here’s what my weekdays look like right now. 5:00 wake up if I need a shower (because want has no place here.) 5:30 if I need those precious few extra minutes. Oh wait, I forgot, when hubby’s first alarm goes off, it’s 4:00. He tries not to wake me (some mornings) but I’m a light sleeper. I snooze while he showers (every day, lucky bastard) and goes about getting ready to leave for work at 5:00. So he slams the front door and I’m up. 6:00 get the kids up (if the door slam didn't already) and get them ready for school minus breakfast. 6:50 we leave for out of school hours care where they get breakfast and get looked after until school starts. 7:30 I start work as a bakery manager in a supermarket. 14:00 I finish a hard days work. I actually pull my finger out and get the jobs done and I don't faff about. I only take a 30 minute lunch break so I’ve been on my feet for a while and awake since 4:00. 15:00 get to school for 15:15 pick up. If I’m even a few minutes late, I can’t find a close carpark and my feet don’t like that. 15:45 get home from school after listening to the kids fight all the way home. 16:00 I’m checking the rabbits and doing a few things that need to be done, like taking the washing in (if I got it out to start with). 16:30 I try to take 30 minutes for a cup of tea and scrabble shots on facebook if the kids don’t need a bath or shower to wash their hair. (There’s that need over want again.) 17:00 in the kitchen getting dinner going. 18:00 eat tea while yelling at the kids to stop talking and touching and dropping food on the floor. 19:00 kids are supposed to be in bed. 19:30 finally get to sit down and breathe a sigh of relief that all is quiet and right with the world. (Mondays and Thursdays, I’m getting ready for yoga 19:45 - 21:00) But. By this time, I may have managed to pack the dishwasher with yesterday’s dishes, I haven’t done any washing or cleaned anything or picked anything up. 20:30-21:30 sometimes I clean up or fold washing, most of the time I watch the telly for an hour (I love Bones and The Mentalist). Still no new washing though. 21:30 If I’m not in bed by now, I’m so tired, I have nothing left. I can’t write, I can barely keep my eyes open. This is what I do three days a week. On the fourth I get two hours in the afternoon before school pick up to run errands or do the shopping (still at work) go to the bank, whatever I have left till the last minute because I couldn’t do it with the kids after school. So, minus the weekend because they are never productive, I have one day to write. One day to get my head back into the book and try to get myself back in. Occasionally I steal a few hours on the weekend but the kids want to spend time with me and go out and my hubby works six days a week so he’s not much help. It’s slow going right now so I hope you’ll bear with me. If you’re a publisher waiting on my next book, it’s coming. It’s good too but it needs to be better. I do have a short contemporary submission in with a publisher and another one requested so I’m still plugging away… God, I hope 2013 looks better than this! Can we add a few hours to the clock? Or maybe figure out how not to sleep? Anyone know any vampires?
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DisclaimerI'm a published author but I'm still mostly stumbling about in the dark looking for the right paths so this blog is about that, though sometimes something will give the me the shits and I'll have a bit of a rant. I'll try not to be offensive but occasionally my mouth opens without asking my brain's permission so I'll apologise in advance. Archives
September 2018