Can you believe how quick this year is going? I blinked and missed the first six months. Okay, I didn't but it kinda feels like that. June for my family is the most hectic month of the year. My baby turned 3, my man turned 30, I turned 28 and we had our 12 year anniversary. Phew, I get tired just saying it. And then throw in the excitement over the publisher's request and having had some contact with an agent, I'm so glad it's over and done with for this year.
I know you're all wondering what happened with the various requests and all and I really want to thanks the people that come by every week and take a look. I check the stats quite regularly and it always makes me smile to know some of you actually care about the dribble that flows from my mouth (well, fingers). In a nut shell. Nothing happened. The publisher passed and the agent too. I still have a few things out there but I don't expect the call anytime in the near future. So it's back to the drawing board for me. But it's not all negative shitty news. I won a crit on another blog and had the first chapter of my newest WIP read by a multi-published Avon author. She loved it (that's what she said anyway). So I'm all excited and well on track to finish and have this one at least a little bit presentable at the RWAus conference in August in Sydney. I'm going to pitch something that is even better than what I've been touting lately. Obviously it just isn't quite good enough. I can get the requests and get in front of some fantastic editors and agents but it still won't take. Under the bed with Scandal's Mistress and on with the next. Which brings me to a question I want to have answered. Are you over reading about courtesans and mistresses of the ton or do you enjoy the feistier heroine who can go anywhere and do pretty much everything? And I do mean everything =) For so many years it was all about the virginal deb or the impoverished virginal governess or the miss who falls in love with the man fifteen years her senior but doesn't blink an eye when he wants... anyway, you know what I mean. Are these stories tried and done to death or do historical readers still want that innocence element? I have ideas for so many books but as my fellow writers know, there just isn't enough time in the day to write about anything and everything. Let me know what you think and I'll get back to the WIP and hopefully the one that sells! I'll post the first chapter in the works in progress page and you can let me know what you think about that too. Thanks again for coming! Have a great July (thank god the EOFYS songs are off the tv!) =)
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I almost feel like I should be sitting in a confessional while I write this... Bless me, for I have sinned. It has been almost one whole month since my last blog post and update. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I may not ask God for forgiveness but I will ask my loyal followers to forgive my lack of dribble on the account that I have been swamped with submissions. My friends on the time-wasting facebook know I received a request from Deb Werksman at Sourcebooks after an online pitch. See there plenty of advantages to blog surfing and time-wasters. So I saw a post calling for pitches and decided to try my luck. Low and behold... I can write a mean pitch! Now let's see if I write a mean story =) My opera singer regency is my most beloved of stories so far so I hope I can find her a good home soon. It seems sad that more people haven't read it which brings me to a huge thanks I owe Kelly. Thanks for loving it!!! Kelly and Alexis usually read my books and tell me what they think and this time when I gently prodded, Kelly stepped up and put her hand up for the dubious honour. I won't copy and paste the email that had me grinning like an idiot yet again but I will say thanks again.
So June is mad for me. With my anniversary yesterday (twelve years with my partner) his birthday on Friday, miss 2's in a week and a half and then mine two days after that, it's a madhouse. But then what month isn't these days. Between kindy dropoffs, night work, the usual housekeeping and general crap like sickness and being tired, I barely have time to do much but I still make time to write and when I can't write, I read. In this pursuit to get published, I'm starting to see some areas that I pour too much energy into and some not enough. It's with a fair amount of sadness that I tell you, I'm going to be blogging monthly from now on. Sometimes, if something happens or there is some news, I will post it but other than that, I will be a bit quieter. There won't be a point to this blog if I don't get a book out there and seen so that is where the energy is going to go for the time being. Anyway, I just sent my submission to Sourcebooks before I wrote this, I have a few contest entries out and a couple of Agent queries so I'm off to write up a storm for an hour before the light goes on in the family taxi. Have a great long weekend for those downunder (thank God the Queen has her birthday weekend in a different month than her actual coming into the world) and to those who only get the standard two days or less, enjoy! |
DisclaimerI'm a published author but I'm still mostly stumbling about in the dark looking for the right paths so this blog is about that, though sometimes something will give the me the shits and I'll have a bit of a rant. I'll try not to be offensive but occasionally my mouth opens without asking my brain's permission so I'll apologise in advance. Archives
September 2018